The Pier Shareware 9
The Pier Shareware #9 (Pier Exchange).ISO
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119 lines
AUCTN103.ZIP 159283 11-25-95 (v1.03) Auction Manger - DOS/Database/ZIP
| AUCTION v1.03 provides a set of functions to
| prepare for an auction, tabulate auction
| transactions as the auction progresses, and
| print bills of sale and reports of the
| auction results. Shareware (US$ 25.-
| donation) KNPB62B@prodigy.com
BCBUD2.ZIP 134741 11-20-95 Budget manager for blue-collar workers.
BIZLTRS.ZIP 188435 12-30-95 Collection of business letters and selected
| forms for a variety of business situations
CONS10.ZIP 26643 11-18-95 MVS Console Simulation Shareware, great for
| training a mainframe environment operator in
| console activities.
CPWARP_1.ZIP 143345 02-09-96 Conversion Pro - OS/2 PM Application
| Scientific and engineering units conversion
| program for scientists and engineers.
| Excellent reference for students, as well.
| Includes a button calculator and a
| temperature converter Version 1.0 -
| Shareware $10US
DLGW10.ZIP 590468 11-14-95 DELEGATOR v1.00 <ASP> A delegation and
| performance tracking system for line
| managers and others who coordinate the work
| of others. Track assignments; plan
| workloads; manage projects; review long term
| performance; communicate priorities; bring
| forward. Learn and use basics in 20
| minutes. Oriented to the line manager not
| the project specialist.
FLT12.ZIP 105931 12-21-95 Flight Log Maker v1.2 make accurate
| preflight calculations and print a trip log
| to take along on your flight. Only 226k!
GRADEP4S.ZIP 275157 11-08-95 GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver
| 4.16 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6
| week terms per semester. Teacher developed.
| Many special options and printouts for both
| elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
| over 30 different reports for students,
| parents, and administrators. Many schools
| use the progress reports for their mid-term
| mailings to parents. Includes attendance
| and seating chart options. Constantly
| improved.
GRADEP4T.ZIP 274432 11-15-95 GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver
| 4.23 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6
| week terms per semester. Teacher developed.
| Many special options and printouts for both
| elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
| over 30 different reports for students,
| parents, and administrators. Many schools
| use the progress reports for their mid-term
| mailings to parents. Includes attendance
| and seating chart options. Constantly
| improved.
GSH40B.ZIP 311038 12-17-95 GRADESHEET 4.0A Powerful & easy gradebook
| program Powerful gradebook program with an
| easy interface. Mix letter & number scores
| multiple averaging methods, graphical
| distributions, statistics, pop-up notes
| attach to students, nice printouts password
| protection, hundreds of scores Education -
INTROK52.ZIP 357967 01-01-96 Start a Home Computer Biz! Ver. 5.2 For
| Computer Reseller's, Consultants, BBS SysOps
| looking to buy hard\software for resale
| purposes? Ever wondered WHERE the mail
| order companies are buying from to resell at
| what looks like great prices? Want to
| compete? You can! INTROK52.ZIP The INTRO-
| duction to our "Resellers Source KIT."
| Version 5.2 Kevin King, Reg. $0.00
OPNHM300.ZIP 297347 11-12-95 OpenHome <ASP> is an open home announcement
| generator designed for Mortgage Bankers and
| Realtors. It provides a one-sheet
| infomation packet for prospective home
| buyers, listing important information in an
| attractive way. The user provides key
| information about the property for sale and
| OpenHome produces a simple table showing the
| perspective buyer the financial requirements
| for purchasing the property in a
| straightfoward fashion.
PCFPL22E.ZIP 402251 11-14-95 -=PC Flt Plan 2.2e=- Professional Flight
| planning prg. for DOS. Handles IFR or VFR,
| winds, climb/descent, fuel reserves,
| alternates, approaches, max weights and much
| more. Map display now supports VGA, EGA,
| CGA, Herc. and Oliv.-/AT&T 640x400
| displays. User maintainable nav. database
| and A/C performance tables. 4 different
| printouts, including one in knee-board size.
PCPUB217.ZIP 358925 01-07-96 PC Publisher Elec. Publishing System v2.17
| Create ANSI and ASCII Catalogs, Magazines
| Books, Stand-Alone Text Files, Stand-Alone
| ANSI Art and Animation Files. Customizable
| Pop-Up and Pull-Down Menus. Includes Text
| Compression, small viewers (TVIEWER1 under
| 7k), TOC compatible Readit ANSI Reader
| Simple, easy to use. Pull-down menus, mouse
| support, on-line context-sensitive help, new
| UI (User Interface) and more. From RSI
PROCR121.ZIP 584978 11-19-95 PROFESSIONAL CARRIER v1.21 <ASP> - A
| complete bookkeeping system for the
| professional full time newpaper carrier.
| Can maintain up to 26 individual routes,
| generate invoices, mailing labels, customer
| & collection lists. Generate pre-defined or
| custom created reports. Create mail-merge
| letters. Handles multiple delivery types,
| variable collection schedules, direct or
| office-pay customers. Can import data files
| from Paper Route Ledger program. $59
SHEVENTS.ZIP 24348 11-09-95 Scheduler/Events tracker to track birthdays,
| weddings, telephone nos, addresses,
| christenings, dr and dentist appts, home
| chore shedules, car repair
SHWTRUCK.ZIP 50459 11-08-95 Expense keeper written by a trucker for
| truckers.